Gym Locator

The Gym Locator screen displays a map of the world, with registered gym locations showing up as purple icons. If you have allowed your device to know your location, gyms closest to your location will be displayed.

To zoom out on the map, touch the screen with two fingers and pull them together. To zoom in do the opposite, and spread your two fingers apart.


The two icons on the top right give you options to search the map for a gym you want.

The magnifying glass allows you to search by keywords. Keywords include words or numbers in an address, city, or similar.

The list icon allows you to search by state or province.

Tap Cancel or Done to close any of the search options.

To quickly focus on your location, tap the crosshair icon on the bottom right of the screen.

Gym Details

Tap the purple icon of any gym to view its distance and city.

Tap the banner that appears for more details, including address, phone, and email address.

To close the detailed gym window, tap anywhere on the map.

Additional Resources

Issue Date May 7, 2019
Revision Date Feb 16, 2021
Role Responsible