How to Perform a Workout

Tap the Start Workout button on the bottom of the Overview screen of a workout. 

If you have tapped a single exercise, you may also tap the stat tracking area to start.

The workout timer begins when the workout is started.

You can check the workout time by pulling down on an exercise to reveal the clock.


Swipe left on the exercise image to advance through a workout.

Swiping on the last exercise in a workout takes you to the Complete Workout screen.

Tap the grid icon to return to the Overview screen and jump from exercise to exercise that way.

Exercise Details

Tap an exercise for advanced details.

The top navigation icons from left to right are:

  • Overview: Return to the workout overview.
  • Video: Watch a short video demonstrating the exercise.
  • Details: Details about performing the exercise.
  • More: Includes sharing, adding to favorites, and rep max calculator.

You can swipe left or right to see the details of other exercises.


You can adjust settings by tapping an input space. 

In the Note column, you can tap the page icon to enter personal notes about an exercise.
Notes you create appear in your history whenever you perform the workout again.

The stopwatch icon on the right allows you to time your reps within the app.
Tap the stopwatch icon once to begin the timer, then either tap the pause or stop icon.

Tap the + icon to add a new row.


Previously tracked exercises show up in History, below the tracking area. The list shows the most recent at the top and allows you to scroll through each time the exercise was performed.

The History section is a good way to track your progress over time.

If you have previously performed a workout, and only want to view the history of the current workout, uncheck the All Workouts box.

Complete a Workout

To end a workout, swipe on the last exercise of the routine and tap the End button.

When you finish a workout, a log is created for you. You can tap Discard on the top left if you do not wish to keep the log. Saved logs can be viewed in the Logs screen.

Issue Date May 7, 2019
Revision Date Nov 12, 2019
Role Responsible