How to View and Create Exercises

Create your own custom exercises using the My Exercise tool.

You can add exercises by going to My Exercises in the side menu, or by tapping the + button at the top of Builder.

If you add an exercise through Builder, it automatically adds the new exercise to the workout you are building. 

Create an Exercise

Tap the Add button in My Exercises.

Tap the image area to add a picture.

You can add a tip and a video URL. The video URL entered must reference a video that is playable on mobile or web.

You can also assign Body Part, Category, and Equipment to the exercise so it can be searched using the filters in Builder. 

Edit an Exercise 

To edit an exercise that already exists in My Exercises: 

Select an exercise from the list.

Make any desired changes.

Tap Save

You may also edit a custom exercise from the Builder. When using the Builder to create a workout:

Tap one of your exercises

Tap the Edit button.

Tap Save

After changes have been saved, you are brought back to the Builder where you left off.

Additional Resources

Issue Date May 7, 2019
Revision Date Nov 12, 2019
Role Responsible