Schedule - Plan Workouts on a Calendar

The calendar icon in the top right allows you to  choose your display settings for the calendar. You can choose to view workouts, logs, or any of your device calendars.

A purple dot on a date means an event is scheduled for that day.

The current date is highlighted gray, while a chosen day is highlighted purple.

A check mark indicates a log was saved on that date. Tap on a date with a workout to see its title, thumbnail, and time.

In the image below, the current date is February 9.

There is a dot below the date, which means we have a workout scheduled today.

The 21st has been highlighted by tapping on it.

Schedule a Workout

You can schedule a single workout in two ways:
In Schedule:

  1. Tap the date you want
  2. Tap the + button on the top right
  3. Choose a workout

From any workout Overview screen:

  1. Tap the more menu […] on the top right
  2. Tap Add to Schedule
  3. Choose the date you want
  4. Tap the + button on the top right
  5. Tap the purple Save button on the top right

A schedule detail screen appears for you to finalize the event. You can change options such as the title, time, alert, and export the event to your iOS calendar.

Schedule a Fitness Plan
You can schedule an entire Program or Plan at once after choosing the Fitness Level, Goal, and Equipment.

Before saving, on the top right of the screen is a calendar icon. Tap the icon to add it to your schedule.

You will be prompted to select the days of the week to set up this schedule. Once you choose a day, use the slider to set a time.

Tap Next to choose the starting date. A preview of your plan is laid out on the calendar.

After saving, you have the option to export the workouts to your device calendar.

Edit Schedule
To edit or remove a scheduled workout, swipe left on the event in Schedule and choose either the trash or pencil icon.

Additional Resources

Issue Date May 7, 2019
Revision Date Nov 12, 2019
Role Responsible